Product | Old & New Homogeniser
We are specialists in all makes and models of Homogenisers and High Pressure Pumps for the liquid processing industries including Dairy, Food, Beverage and Chemical.

Our wealth of experience and knowledge working on these machines is a major benefit to the customer as we are able to supply the best quality machines at a competitive price with a complete after sales service and support package.

As an independent supplier of Homogenisers we offer you the choice of machines suitable for all budgets, specifications and build quality. If you are looking for a machine from a leading OEM, we can supply you with an variety of machine’s which offer excellent value for money. If you are looking to part exchange your old and tired Homogenisers, we would be happy to consider your machine in part exchange.

If you are low on budget still we have a good quality of used homogenizers to fulfil your demand and keep your plant running

High-Pressure Pumps
High-Pressure pumps are used as the main feed pump to spray dryers which are equipped with one or two fluid nozzles. They are also employed as a feed pump for a growing market of reverse osmosis systems used in concentrating functional and sensitive products in the Dairy, Food, Pharmaceutical and Biotechnologies industries. Many brands are available, as an independent supplier we offer you the choice from varieties of the leading OEM’s.


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